Writing Communities - Interview with Poet Patricia Spears Jones
Saturday, July 27, 2019
We met Patricia Spears Jones at Rutgers Writers Conference and knew we had to share her wisdom with you. She talked with us about poetry, writing communities, and her advice for writers.Filmed at Rutgers Writers Conference 2019.
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Patricia Spears Jones is the recipient of The Jackson Poetry Prize, one the most prestigious awards for American Poets via Poets & Writers, Inc.
Spears Jones was named in as one of its 40 Poets They Love in 2010. In 2018, her poem Seraphim is listed in The New Yorker's Year in Poems. She is author of the poetry collections: Painkiller and Femme du Monde from Tia Chucha Press and The Weather That Kills from Coffee House Press and five chapbooks including Living in the Love Economy. Her fourth collection: A Lucent Fire: New and Selected Poems from White Pine Press (White Pine Press Distinguished Poets series) which features her 2017 Pushcart Prize winning poem, Etta James at the Audubon Ballroom.Learn more at
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