Get Published ...Today! Workshop
Friday, February 19, 2021

It is the greatest time in history to be a writer. The barrier to publishing has been torn down and now anyone can get published. But to get published successfully is a whole other matter. We will take you through the entire publishing process. This step-by-step, soups-to-nuts workshop will remove the smoke and mirrors from the murky world of publishing and give writers a compass and map to a successfully published book. Topics covered include:
Choosing the right idea
Crafting an attention-getting pitch
Finding the right agent/publisher
Self-publishing effectively without getting ripped off
Finding your audience and building a following through social media.
The workshop will take place via Zoom. A registration link will be sent via email.
Proceeds from this workshop benefit Succeed2gether, a Montclair-based non-profit 501(c) organization that addresses unequal access to educational resources for low-income families and children from Montclair and Essex County, NJ.A portion of each $25 workshop ticket is donated to Succeed2gether.