How Long Will It Take to Publish My Book?
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Writers always ask, "How long will it take to publish my book?" Learn the hard truth in this week's video. Then position yourself for success.
0:13 How long does it take to publish a book? How long does it take to get a book deal? How long does traditional publishing take? 1:17 How long does it take to publish a book on Amazon? 1:24 What's the least helpful question to ask about publishing? 1:46 What should writers ask instead? 1:57 How can I tell if I'm ready to publish my book? 2:53 What else impacts how long it takes to publish a book? 3:52 What should writers do to help their book get published?RELATED VIDEOS
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Were Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry. Between us, we have almost half a centurys worth of experience turning talented writers into published authors. Arielle is an author and agent-at-large at the Levine Greenberg Rostan Literary Agency. David is an author and before writing professionally, he was a comic and actor. Were dedicated to helping writers get their books published. Successfully!