The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published
The only book a writer needs, now completely revised and updated to reflect the ongoing and unprecedented changes in publishing. Originally published in 2005 as Putting Your Passion Into Print, this is the book that’s been praised both by industry professionals, bestselling authors and dozens of aspiring authors who have used it to turn their dream of publishing a book into a reality.

"I started with nothing but an idea, and then I bought this book. Soon I had an A-list agent, a near six-figure advance, and multiple TV deals in the works. Buy it and memorize it. This tome is the quiet secret of rockstar authors."
–Timothy Ferris
New York Times bestselling author of The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
This nuts-and-bolts guide demystifies every step of the publishing process
How to:
- Come up with a blockbuster title
- Craft an attention-getting pitch
- Create a selling proposal, find the right agent
- Understand a book contract and royalty statements
- Develop sales, marketing and publicity savvy
- Self-publish, if that’s what you choose
New information on marketing strategies:
- Connect with your community and build up a following online via social media
- Create a search-engine-friendly title
- Produce a video book trailer
- Make, sell and distribute an e-book (as well as information on ebook royalties)
- The latest on print-on-demand and other self-publishing technologies
The Essential Guide To Getting Your Book Published includes interviews with hundreds of publishing insiders—agents, editors, publicists, social media experts, booksellers and more. And of course authors. You’ll hear from Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman, Amy Bloom, Seth Godin, Susan Orlean, Dan Ariely and many many more.
You’ll also find:
- Inspirational publishing success stories
- Dozens of insider tips
- Sample proposals
- Sample query letters
- Contract guidelines
- A resource guide
The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published is more vital than ever for anyone who wants to mine that great idea and turn it into a successfully published book.