Asia Jannah
Asia Jannah has been a bookseller at one of the most beloved independent bookstores in the country, Watchung Booksellers, for 9 years. In addition to reading a mix of frontlist and backlist titles–about 40 books per year–working in the industry over time has given her access to the works of many new and upcoming authors and how their stories come alive in the book world. She loves to read a variety of genres spanning across contemporary fiction, essays, debut authors, and any story with an unhinged female main character. Asia was chosen as one of 35 honorees in Publisher's Weekly Star Watch 2024, an annual program dedicated to recognizing and honoring rising talent in the publishing and bookselling businesses. Along with hand-selling, she does visual merchandising and loves to engage in fiber arts. She is always interested in how any project develops from start to finish.
Contnact Asia for a beta read and/or comparable title research.