Shanna Bowie

Fixer Upper by Shanna Bowie

Sarah is a master at fixing things. And it makes sense; DIY and decorating ingenuity was the cornerstone of the design business she owned with her ex-husband. But now Sarah is pushing forty and she’s struggling to rebrand herself as a solo act. 

Christian is a 35 year-old, retired rugby player turned contractor. He has a passion for helping people create beautiful spaces but his small business is in danger of falling apart if he doesn’t bring in some high-priced clientele.

When a reality tv producer comes searching for the right people with the right chemistry to star in a new home improvement television show, it seems like the perfect opportunity for Sarah and Christian to reach their goals … if they weren’t ridiculously attracted to each other. The last time Christian was in the spotlight, he made a lot of very public mistakes. And when Sarah combined work and love, she ended up playing second-fiddle to her ex. To succeed, Sarah and Christian are going to have to fight their attraction and fix themselves if they want to create something beautiful together. 

Set in the world of reality television, FIXER UPPER follows in the vein of THE KISS QUOTIENT with people of color at the center of this romantic tale. Both Sarah and Christian deal with mental and emotional struggles while navigating the stress of having cameras trained on them as they seek success and ultimately find love.

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